Dupi Italia is a company in continuing growth and is specialized in the formulation, production and distribution of nutritional products, special foods and herbal remedies.
When Dupi Italia took his first steps, in the 90s, dietary supplementation is still a pioneering approach and with the brand Dupi Energy, the Company launches a line of products for sportsmen, putting in light of significant events, such as the world record kayak.
Since 2002, applying the knowledge of the founding partners in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, the Company’s core business focuses on the development of nutritional products dedicated to the integration of pediatric subjects, with particular attention to the little patients with the greatest needs, such as premature infants and children with growth retardation.
An innovative vision that has given to Dupi Italia an important role in the field of foods and supplements, with brands such as Previtamin and Aminotonic that adopt criteria of excellence from the wording of the production process, in line with the principle on which the founders of Dupi Italia based company philosophy, unchanged for nearly two decades: health starts from supply, from an early age.