What are the vitamins?

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Vitamins are essential biological molecules that must be taken, generally in small quantities, with the diet because the organisms are not able to synthesize. The requirement for a certain vitamin depends on the type of organism and not all organizations need all the vitamins.

Vitamins are divided into:

Water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body and therefore must be taken daily with food. This includes all the group B vitamins and vitamin C.

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with dietary fats and accumulated in the liver. The deficiency manifests then following a failure assumption for long times. They include vitamin A, D, E, and vitamin K.


Vitamin A
functionality of the view
visual disturbances, blindness, keratinization of epithelia
milk and dairy products, liver, oil cod liver
Vitamin B1 energy metabolism
Beri Beri, alterations in carbohydrate metabolism
cereals, legumes, fruits, liver, egg, milk and dairy products
Vitamin B2
oxidation-reduction reactions
liver, egg white, milk

and derivatives

Vitamin B3 (niacin)
oxidation-reduction reactions
pellagra (3D = dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia)
meat, fish, cereal flour
Vitamin B5
(pantotenic acid)
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins
high content in broccoli, egg and yeast
Vitamin B6 (piridossin)
synthesis of neurotransmitters, tryptophan metabolism, lipid metabolism
cramps in arms and legs, poor learning ability, visual disturbance
cereals, , legumes, meat, fish, eggs, milk, brewer’s yeast
Vitamin B8 (biotin)
protein metabolism, lipid and carbohydrate synthesis processes
vegetables, whole grains, yeast, liver, nuts, egg yolk, soy flour
Vitamin B9 synthesis, repair and methylation of DNA, amino acid metabolism
anemia, leukopenia, stomatitis, nervous disorders
dark green leafy vegetables, cereals, liver, legumes, egg yolk, nuts
Vitamin B12 replication and for cell growth
pernicious anemia
meat, fish, dairy, eggs
Vitamin C collagen synthesis, antioxidant activity, iron metabolism
fresh vegetables, fruit,

especially citrus

Vitamin D absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, regulation of calcium levels, mineralization of the skeleton decreased levels of calcium and phosphorus, rickets, muscle weakness and bone demineralization
fatty fish, egg yolk, milk
Vitamin E antioxidant activity, cell integrity hematological and neurological damage
olive oil, nuts, green leafy vegetables, green leafty
Vitamin K processes of blood clotting hemorrhagic syndrome

milk and dairy products